Enviro House Community Gardens Skill Building Program

Supported by the Department of Communities

The Community Gardens Skill Building Program has been developed by Enviro House and funded by the Department of Communities to give community garden volunteers and members the opportunity to enhance their skills through a series of free workshops and training sessions, so they can reap the benefits from their productive gardens.  The program also aims to provide an opportunity for the broader community to learn about local community gardens while developing edible garden skills and connecting with their community. School holiday activities are also on offer for children and young people to engage with the joys of gardening.

Five workshops, four training sessions and three school holiday activities will be delivered by permaculture experts from April to October 2024.   Places are limited so prompt booking is recommended. For further information email garden@envirohouse.org.au

Free Community Workshops

Caring for Chickens - Sat 20th Apr 2024, 9:30 - 11am @ Enviro House

If you would like to set up a chicken coop or learn more about caring for your flock, come to Enviro House amongst the happy hens and learn about the many aspects of chicken care including ideal food, water and shelter needs, keeping pests away and maintaining good health.  | BOOK NOW

Which Compost Is Right For You - Sat 10th May 2024, 9:30 - 11am @ Enviro House

Amongst the various composting systems in the Enviro House productive garden, participants will be provided with an understanding of how composts work (including worm farms, compost bins, bokashi and hot compost enclosures) their ecosystems and how to look after them to make quality compost and fertiliser naturally. Includes participatory activities with hot compost and worm farms. Great door prize to win too! | BOOK NOW

Permaculture Basics - Sat 29th June 2024, 9:30 - 11:30am @ Bayswater Library

Participants will gain an understanding of permaculture principles and ethics including the connectivity of natural systems – soil microbes, composting food scraps, compatible planting and much more. Great door prize to win too!  | BOOK NOW

Save Your Seeds and Swap - Sat 6th July 2024, 12pm-1:30pm @ Enviro House

Participants will learn how to harvest seeds including different techniques, labelling and storing seeds and go home with at least 3 different varieties of seeds they have cleaned themselves and put into envelopes made from origami of recycled paper.   | BOOK NOW

Growing Food With Less Water - Sat  19th Oct 2024, 10:00 am - 11:30 am @ Enviro House

Do you want to grow vegetables and keep fruit trees alive through hot weather without excessive watering?  This workshop will provide you with tips and methods to heatproof your garden including a demonstration of how to make a wicking bed.  | BOOK NOW

Garden Skills Training

These training sessions have been developed for those volunteering in or involved with community gardens, however there are some tickets available for the general public. See booking links below.

Garden Skills Training Session 1 - Soil Preparation and Seasonal Planting

Fri 5th Apr 2024, 9:30 - 11:30am @ Enviro House

In this session participants will gain an understanding of productive garden soil requirements, how to prepare soil for optimal balance and plant growth, using soil amendments and the importance of seasonal planting.

Garden Skills Training Session 2 - Growing from Seed and Companion Planting

Fri 10th May 2024, 9:30 - 11:30am @ Enviro House

Participants will learn about seed development, germination and other simple botany facts plus be shown how to harvest seeds and maximise seed raising success.  Companion planting will be discussed and demonstrated including its uses in natural pest control and pollination.   BOOK NOW

Garden Skills Training Session 3 - Fruit Tree Care and Pruning

Fri 28th June 2024, 9:30 - 11:30am @ Enviro House

Participants will learn about fruit tree management including pest control, soil support and pruning.  This will include pruning practice so BYO gardening gloves are encouraged. BOOK NOW

Garden Skills Training Session 4 - Vegetable Garden Maintenance

Fri 18th October 2024, 9:30 - 11:30am @ Enviro House

Participants will learn comprehensive garden maintenance skills including pest control (integrated pest management) soil support, compost basics, seed harvesting and tuber propagation. This will include practical activities e.g. basic propagation. BOOK NOW

School Holiday Workshops

Wonderful Worms - Mon 1st July 2024, 9:30 – 11am @ Enviro House

Children will learn all about the world of worms and how they can help you in the garden.  Participants will leave with a worm farm starter kit and instructions for keeping worms at home. This event is suitable for children aged 7 to 12.  | BOOK NOW