Earth Carers Course
Free 3 Week Course, October 15th - November 5th on Tuesdays and Saturdays, run by the EMRC Waste Education team
Varies - follow the register link for more information
Target audience: Residents living within the City of Swan, City of Bayswater, City of Belmont, City of Kalamunda, Town of Bassendean, and the Shire of Mundaring.
Due to the high demand for places in this course, you should only register if you believe you can commit to attending all 5 sessions or have already discussed forseen absences with the Waste Education team (
Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council's Earth Carers course consists of five workshops over three weeks and includes a visit to the Red Hill Waste Management Facility. The course is FREE to attend and you will gain knowledge, share ideas and learn practical ways of reducing waste at home and in the community. Participants who complete all 5 sessions will join our Earth Carers network which brings together like-minded people, gives you opportunities for further learning and sharing your knowledge at community events.
Each workshop covers various themes and will provide participants with practical skills and theoretical knowledge relating to waste minimisation. See the program outline below for a summary of topics and workshop details.