The Tree Love Project

The importance of trees and nature in urban settings.

More and more people are understanding the importance of tree canopy in urban areas for providing habitat and ensuring our cities are more liveable for people too.


I don't have a street tree and I would like one...

Why get a street tree?

  • Creates a walkable, shaded neighbourhood
  • Provides food and habitat for wildlife
  • Cleans our air and absorbs pollutants
  • Reduces heat, glare and flooding
  • Improves mental health and wellbeing
  • Beautifies our streets

The importance of trees and nature in urban settings.

More and more people are understanding the importance of tree canopy in urban areas for providing habitat and ensuring our cities are more liveable for people too.

Request a Tree!

Not sure which local government area you live in? Use the tool below to work out your council.

Local Government Directory Search

Send an email to ask your council to plant a tree on your verge. If you live in the City of Bayswater you can use this form to Request a Tree.

Did you know many local councils offer their residents a native plants program? The City of Bayswater and Town of Bassendean offer their residents ten native plants per household each year at a heavily subsidised price through an annual program run by us! Join up to our newsletter and we'll let you know when it is running.


I have a tree. I want to know what type it is!

City of South Perth residents are able to use Intramaps, and by selecting 'Trees' in the left menu, you can find out exactly what species your street tree is. Town of Bassendean residents are able to use Intramaps as well to find out where the 'Street Trees' are and which ones are on the Significant Tree Register by using the left menu. City of Stirling also has Intramaps - by clicking 'Trees and Vegetation' in the left menu, you can find out loads of information about your street tree, including its pruning schedule! All other Local Government Areas at this stage don't have this information publicly available. Why not email your local council to ask if your Street Tree information can be made public?!

For those of you who are IT savvy, you can use a range of Apps (eg iNaturalist or PictureThis) to help identify your species of tree, and there is an excellent Western Australian Eucalypts Facebook group who can assist you in identifying your gum tree.


I have a street tree, I know what it is, and I'd like to make a unique sign for it!

You can find out how much carbon dioxide your tree sequesters from the MyTree website. You'll need to know the trunk diameter and the species of tree.

You can find out the shade canopy by measuring the diameter of the canopy, and use our simple calculation here to equate it to shade in 'beach umbrellas'.  Diameter of tree canopy: t (m)  Amount of shade in Beach Umbrellas = (((t/2)²)xπ)/3.4557

You can find out what biodiversity the tree attracts (birds, bees, lizards, insects), what season it flowers, and what its flowers are like by using this fantastic NatureLink Perth resource.

Perth NRM have a great Traditional Ecological Knowledge document which outlines the First Nations uses for some of our native species.

Gardening with Angus also has a very useful Plant Database where you can find out everything you need to know about your tree or shrub.

Feel free to download the template below to make your own. Below left is an example of a completed poster. You may like to make yours on a ceramic tile, burn it on a piece of wood, or back it on corflute. The options are endless! We'd love it if you could share the finished product with our social media channels. Facebook: @EnviroHouseEcoShop | Instagram: @EnviroHouse | X: @HouseEnviro

Did you know the City of Bayswater - like many councils - also has a Significant Tree Register? Now you know all the cool things about your tree, why not apply to get your tree on the register? The City also has loads of resources for Greening Our City.

MYO Tree Sign Templates

This 'tree love' sign was made by one of our Enviro House members.


Use this blank template and add the details for your street tree!


More Tree Canopy Resources

If there is an organisation or initiative you think is fantastic and should be listed here – please let us know! We look forward to hearing from you 😊

I want to know more and get involved!

Fantastic! We would love for you to join us at Enviro House, where we have like-minded volunteers who are championing trees.

  • WA Tree Canopy Advocates: WATCA are a community-driven organisation established to address the Tree Canopy Crisis happening in Perth and other WA cities. Search here to find your local group.
  • NatureLink Perth: NatureLink Perth is a community of practice of diverse stakeholders working together to promote nature-linked urban design, to conserve and enhance biodiversity in this global biodiversity hotspot and nurture a healthy, liveable city benefiting the economy, the environment and people. Subscribe to receive their fantastic newsletters.
  • ReWild Perth: ReWild Perth provides you with advice and hundreds of FREE resources on how to build eye-catching gardens with local wildlife in mind.
  • WA Tree Festival: WA Tree Festival brings local councils and community groups together to help share the value of trees collectively. From highlighting the importance of daily connections to nature, and the often-invisible benefits trees provide, to understanding issues around tree canopy loss, climate change and how you can help – check the festival events page to find an activity near you (usually April-May each year).
  • WA Forest Alliance: The WA Forest Alliance has been protecting the South West forests since 1990. They are the peak body for forest conservation in WA.
  • Greener Spaces Better Places: Greener Spaces Better Places is a movement that brings together community, growers, government, business, and everyday people just like you to make our homes, streets, and suburbs the greenest in the world. They were the first organisation to ever map Australia's canopy cover.
  • Treenet: Treenet supports Urban Forest research and education for communities and practitioners. They have a load of resources, and host the annual National Street Tree Symposium.

Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB)

Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer: The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is responding to a detection of this pest in the Perth metropolitan area and a Quarantine Area is currently in place, restricting the movement of wood and plant materials. To find out more and how you can help stop this pest, visit the DPIRD PSHB response site.