Red-lidded bin diet tips
Tips to help slim your bin!
- Pizza boxes, paper towel, and tissues can go in the FOGO bin (Green lid).
- ALL food scraps can go in your FOGO bin.
- Make room for the FOGO caddie provided somewhere close to your regular bin, drawer, shelf, under the sink cupboard or on top of the counter / bench space.
- Collect soft plastics separately and drop-off these off to the REDcycle program at participating supermarkets.
- Use local Recycling Hubs (like at Enviro House in Bayswater) where you can take pens, toothbrushes, empty toothpaste tubes, metal lids, plant labels and more...
- Use the City of Bayswater Recycling Program (at Rec Centres, Shopping Centres and Libraries) where you can take light bulbs/tubes and batteries.
More information is available on the City of Bayswater Get ready to FOGO resources page.