Recap - we achieved...
Ways Enviro House works to support sustainable living in WA...
- City of Bayswater Home Composting Project
- Ascot Park Multiple Dwelling Waste Project
- East Metro Sustainable Schools Network
- Native Plants to Residents Project
- 100% Renewable Energy by 2030 and 100% Zero Carbon by 2040 Plan Adopted by City of Bayswater
- Transition Town Bayswater Projects
- Wetlands Conservation Projects with Friends of Eric Singleton, Friends of Maylands Samphires and Baigup Wetlands Interest Group.
- 40 events with over 1000 participants in 2018/2019
- Support of local eco businesses with over 6,000 visits to our EcoShop.
Environment House projects focus on community engagement and education across all sustainability areas; conservation of our biodiversity; and climate change action.
The foundation of everything we do at Environment House is our amazing group of volunteers. We have about 40 volunteers working on different projects across the organisation at any one time. Our Myer Project allowed us the opportunity to employ a Consultant to interview interested volunteers about their experience volunteering with Environment House:
"My interviews with the volunteers at Environment House showed me that a wonderful culture is being experienced by the people who visit and donate their time. In my opinion, this culture is one of the most precious aspects of Environment House. It engages with people in a way that informs and empowers them. It does this is a safe way. People get to experience friendly connection and non-judgemental support. This is only possible through un-rushed considered conversations and positive experiences."
Significant Projects and Milestones
Capacity building projects, as part of our successful application to the Sidney Myer Fund & The Myer Foundation, have been successfully implemented. This funding was instrumental in allowing us to plan and assess the projects we manage. It also allowed us to purchase a trailer for outreach education; redesign our logo; consider a new strategic plan; and produce promotional material. This grant could not have come at a better time to support our expanding role in our community and the work of our volunteers. Nadine Wright Toussaint took on the new role of Project Co-ordinator and was responsible for undertaking a huge amount of this work including the design of the new Enviro House logo.
The renovation of our Council owned building has resulted in far better spaces for our workshops and for the wider community to make use of. Disability access to the building has been a success and the new deck has proved to be a perfect space for hosting the 40+ workshops and community group events we held across the year. The renovation greatly improved the amenity of the building for everyone who uses it.
We are grateful to the Federal Government Stronger Communities Grant; the State Government Local Jobs Local Projects Grant and the City of Bayswater for the extra funding we needed to finalise this project. It took a lot of co-ordination to bring this together but thanks to the partnership with local builder Wandoo Designs, we met all deadlines and we now have a community space that can be used for many years to come.
Friends of Eric Singleton Wetlands
Environment House has facilitated the formation of a new wetland group, the Friends of Eric Singleton Wetlands, following saving the 'Carter's Wetland' from destruction in 2017. This new group is now Co-ordinated by Nadine Wright Toussaint who is also the creative soul responsible for this logo too.
Environment House continues to support wetland groups in Maylands and Bayswater, working with the City of Bayswater to achieve significant conservation outcomes. In the 2019 planting season the City of Bayswater with volunteers put 20,000 new native plants into wetland and bushland areas.
Workshop Calendar & Events
Our workshop calendar and events were highly valued again in 2019. All workshops were fully subscribed. Enviro House and Transition Town Bayswater volunteers organised 40 workshops/events catering to over 1100 participants on a wide range of topics for all age groups.
These events included an event for Clean Up Australia Day, a popular series of free movies and continued with "Share Your Spare" and our "Seed Library" on the first Saturday of each month.
Evaluation by participants of our workshops and events is consistently good and includes an insight into how valuable these workshops are for people to learn sustainability skills in a practical, social and fun setting. Participants report use of the skills they have learnt in their homes, workplaces, schools and community groups and often go on to share their knowledge at work and in the community.
Our EcoShop changed considerably over the last two years with the energy and organisation of Shop Co-ordinator Maxine Petty widely appreciated. Volunteers kept the shop open to the public six days a week over the year, with visitation rates of between 5-30 per day from people seeking products, advice or simply a conversation about living sustainably. Our EcoShop provides an informal point of contact for people from many different backgrounds seeking support and advice on sustainability issues. Volunteers and the public regularly report their appreciation for the non-judgemental and relaxed culture at Environment House.