Please note: limits of plant species per household apply and species availability at collection times may vary. While a wide range of species will be available at all collection sessions specific species cannot be guaranteed.
This years full species list as at 23.5.24 can be viewed below or download the Bassendean Full Detailed Species List 2024 (PDF) or the Species Guide Handout (PDF) (copies of this handout will be available at the plant collection)
1 | Acacia dentifera |
2 | Acacia redolens (low form) |
3 | Acacia saligna |
4 | Acacia stellaticeps |
5 | Agonis flexuosa |
6 | Alyogyne huegelii (seed) |
7 | Anigozanthos flavidus (Green) |
8 | Anigozanthos flavidus (Red) |
9 | Anigozanthos manglesii |
10 | Anigozanthos viridis |
11 | Austromyrtus dulcis |
12 | Banksia attenuata |
13 | Banksia blechnifolia |
14 | Banksia grandis |
15 | Banksia prionotes |
16 | Calothamnus hirsutus |
17 | Carpobrotus virescens |
18 | Chorizema ilicifolium |
19 | Conostylis aculeata |
20 | Conostylis candicans |
21 | Correa "Dusky Bells" |
22 | Daviesia decurrens |
23 | Dianella revoluta |
24 | Eremophila albicans "Kalbarri Carpet" |
25 | Eremophila glabra |
26 | Eucalyptus caesia spp magna |
27 | Eucalyptus erythrocorys |
28 | Eucalyptus forrestiana |
29 | Eucalyptus macrocarpa |
30 | Eutaxia myrtifolia |
31 | Ficinia nodosa |
32 | Gompholobium tomentosum |
33 | Goodenia varia |
34 | Grevillea "Winpara Gem" |
35 | Grevillea "Winpara Gold" |
36 | Grevillea "Scarlet Sprite" |
37 | Grevillea obtusifolia |
38 | Grevillea vestita |
39 | Guichenotia ledifolia |
40 | Hakea laurina |
41 | Hakea varia (NOT AVAILABLE) |
42 | Hardenbergia comptoniana |
43 | Hypocalymma angustifolium |
44 | Jacksonia sericea |
45 | Kennedia prostrata |
46 | Kunzea recurva |
47 | Leucophyta brownii |
48 | Melaleuca lateritia |
49 | Melaleuca pulchella |
50 | Melaleuca seriata |
51 | Melaleuca systena |
52 | Melaleuca thymoides |
53 | Melaleuca trichophylla |
54 | Myoporum parvifolia fine form |
55 | Patersonia occidentalis |
56 | Pimelea ferruginea |
57 | Regelia ciliata |
58 | Rhagodia baccata (seed) |
59 | Ricinocarpus glaucus |
60 | Verticordia plumosa |
61 | Westringa "Wynabbie Gem" |
62 | Xanthorrhoea preissii |
63 | Hakea "Burrendong Beauty" |